Sunday, August 8, 2010


Radhanath swami says“To grow may require that we be shaken right to our core. While kneeling on that roadside in Herat, something died within me, giving birth to a realization necessary for me to move forward on my path. With each step, a camel lifts its hoof from a stable place on earth in order to move forward. And to reach the sea, each ripple of the river must let go of its present state to surrender to the current.” This is an excerpt from his book "The Journey Home"
So in our life how important it is to make note of every little happening and see the hand of God in it and surrender to His will. Radhanath Swami says There is the possibility of real joy in the mood of love and surrender. Because surrender is the quality which makes love so sweet. Real love is an order of surrender of oneself of all once energies to the beloved.Surrender of our mind, surrender of our body, surrender of everything that is near and dear to us. That is the expression of love and for this to be there must be free will. So our only hope is when we cautiously exercise our free will and get the real bliss.Also in our daily simple day to day happenings also Krsna empowers us to do things according to the quality of oursurrender to him, according to the purity of our consciousness. So actually in reality we have no choice than tosurrender to Him!

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