Monday, August 16, 2010


H.H.Radhanath Swami says "If we let our mind rule over us we will be defeated. The mind makes us lazy, dissatisfied and inattentive. That is normal but using our intelligence we must fight against the lethargy of our mind with enthusiasm."
"A sincere soul is not trying to make a show. His enthusiasm is an act of service."
Enthusiasm should be in a way child like. Never down in spirit. Unfortunately I get succumb to lethargy and just to maintain it becomes a challenge.
Praying to the lotus feet of my Gurudev and the Supreme Lord to always be enthusiastic to serve them and serve devotees.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My first encounter with my spiritual master

It was April 22, 2003. At Soho street temple,London, H.H.Radhanath Swami was to deliver the Bhagavatam class at 7.30 a.m. I was there well before time. I had never seen Maharaj before.. not even in a picture! I was almost compelled by my brother Gopinath Candra Das to just go and attend his discourse anyways.
Maharaj arrived well on time and that was my first vision of His Holiness. My life transformed but little did I realise then. Everything of him, his looks, smile, talk, gesture, depth of knowledge mesmerized me.
After the class Maharaj went to see the deities and later was talking with the temple president.Now I wanted to talk to him and intreoduce myself. I just dashed through shamelessly and said Maharaj I am Gopinath Candra's sister. He was happy and immediately asked about me and invited me to Bombay. I was too much happy. Tears filled my eyes and a deep sense of connection I felt. 
After returning back, I felt I need to be committed and always be connected with this personality. I was then chanting 4 rounds and by May 15th started off with 16 rounds
So it is said 'sadhu-sanga, sadhu-sanga—sarva-sastre kaya / lava-matra sadhu-sange sarva-siddhi haya ' - even a moment’s association with a pure devotee, one can attain all success
Thank you dear gurudev for protecting me and kindly bless me to remain at your lotus feet..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Focus - One pointed attention

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita (2.41) 'vyavasyatmika buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana bahur-sakah hi anantas cha buddhayo avyavasayinam' 
Those who are on the path are resolute in purpose,and theiraim is one. O beloved child of the kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched.
We may think that now we are kind of stable and I think there is no doubt of me going Back to Godhead! Soon after we become victim of Maya. I have experienced myself many times and voicing it out so that may be this will reduce the number of fall downs! Every single day we need to be prayerful to the Lord and be confident of His protection and be equally fearful of Maya. Otherwise old habits just crop in and attack.
Radhanath Swami says 'If you are not striving to improve and go forward, the current of this world will force you to go backward…like swimming in a river—upstream'
Praying to the Lord may I always remember this in the front of my mind and remain an eternal sincere servant of my gurudev.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Radhanath swami says“To grow may require that we be shaken right to our core. While kneeling on that roadside in Herat, something died within me, giving birth to a realization necessary for me to move forward on my path. With each step, a camel lifts its hoof from a stable place on earth in order to move forward. And to reach the sea, each ripple of the river must let go of its present state to surrender to the current.” This is an excerpt from his book "The Journey Home"
So in our life how important it is to make note of every little happening and see the hand of God in it and surrender to His will. Radhanath Swami says There is the possibility of real joy in the mood of love and surrender. Because surrender is the quality which makes love so sweet. Real love is an order of surrender of oneself of all once energies to the beloved.Surrender of our mind, surrender of our body, surrender of everything that is near and dear to us. That is the expression of love and for this to be there must be free will. So our only hope is when we cautiously exercise our free will and get the real bliss.Also in our daily simple day to day happenings also Krsna empowers us to do things according to the quality of oursurrender to him, according to the purity of our consciousness. So actually in reality we have no choice than tosurrender to Him!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Vyasa Gufa - Badrinath

Badrinath, has an average elevation of 3,415 metres (11,204 feet). It is in the Garhwal hills, on the banks of the Alaknanda River. The town lies between the Nar and Narayana mountain ranges and in the shadow ofNilkantha peak.
In Badrinath we have the Vyasa Gufa - a cave where in Srila VyasaDeva compiled the great literature Srimad Bhagavatam on order of his Spiritual Master Sri Narada Muni.

A close observation on the stones of the cave shows that they are in the form of piled up books  - found just here.
We had been there during the last week of may with devotees from Chowpatty Bombay. We prayed to Lord Vyasadeva to give us the strength and intelligence to understand and imbibe the teachings of the great amala purana.

My Spiritual Birthday

That was the most significant day of my life 17th April 2008. Series of thoughts running through the mind including am I really worth it, should I really go ahead for it, will I always be able to do justice to it. Finally prayed hard and was ready to take the vows. Now the excitement was what could be the name.
Then the most awaited moment came where in Maharaj says 'On behalf of Srila Prabhupad and the parampara we are pleased to give you the name VrajaCandrika Devi Dasi' Wow! That was too good.
My husband also got initiated - SriGopinathPrana Das.
My brother's name is GopinathCandra Das
Later when we were talking to Maharaj, my husband was continiously talking very seriously and inbetween Maharaj very jovially said - you both together are Gopinath Candrika.. Very sweet of him !!!:) Thank you Radhanath Swami.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

PRIDE - the greatest enemy

For some days had been doing the daily Sadhana in a more disciplined way and that immediately brought PRIDE in me :((. Yesterday when devotees were telling their difficulties (out of humility) to cope up with the daily Krishna Conscious schedule, internally I was proud  of my Sadhana. Immediately overnight fell sick and could not rise up early. My pride was crushed into powder!!
Lesson I learnt - "The Supreme Absolute Truth is the support on whom all living beings are eternally dependant. We cannot breathe unless He supplies air at every second. We cannot see unless He supplies light from the Sun. We cannot exist unless He provides the earth that we stand on, the rain that falls from the clouds. We are completely dependent on God’s mercy. To admit that, you have to become   full of humility. Out of pride we may think that we are intelligent. But did we make our brain? God has given us a brain and without that brain, we cannot even think one thought. We may think we are excellent speakers, but have we created the tongue? It is all provided by the Lord." - HH Radhanath Swami

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our Home Deities Jagannath Baladev and Subhadra Devi

They appeared on the 1st of March 2008. Very auspicious event! Have been blessing us inspite of our short comings in serving them. Off late have been serving  Their Lordships raj bog daily with minimum 6 items with 1 compulsory sweet preparation. Hoping and praying that this pleases Them and gives me the strength to continue with my commitment.